Advanced Cataract Surgery & Laser Center

Our state-of-the-art ambulatory surgery center is one of the many ways we offer the highest quality service and convenience to our patients.

Our MDs offer the best service in cataract surgery, cornea treatments, glaucoma, and strabismus surgery. All of the nurses that work in the Ambulatory Surgery Center are highly trained and provide the highest level of care for our patients.

We also offer laser treatments for Diabetes, Glaucoma, and YAG Capsulotomy for those that develop posterior capsular opacity.

Ambulatory Surgery Center

All of the procedures performed at the Eye Group Ambulatory Surgery Center as an outpatient.

Therefore there will be a short post operative recovery time.  All patients must be accompanied by a driver.

Surgical Procedures


Laser Procedures 

Diabetic Retinopathy
Macular Degeneration
Post Cataract Membrane
Retinal Holes